Note (added September 1st 2024)

There are only 5 test levels in this prototype, after completing level 5 it will go back to level 4 and alternate between those two levels.

Run to Freedom!

Free the chicken out of the coop by guiding it through a path, luring it with its favorite food while dodging the security guard dog-bots.

How to Play

Select an item to feed to the chicken and place it on the path to map the route.

Make sure to place the items close enough where chicken can smell them. 

Each item has different radius, effect on the chicken , and available in limited number, so plan wisely!

Beware of the dog-bots. Once they detect the chicken within their search parameters, the chicken will be taken back to the coop.


Tomato: Chicken's default food. Can sense from far away, but prefers to eat most other things!

Lemon:  After eating, the chicken will run much faster to its next food, but the effect only lasts until it next eats.

Coffee: No one can resist a good cup coffee! Chicken prefers it to all other food. Beware, the chicken may be lured into danger places by cups of coffee left around in the farm.

Future Items (not yet implemented)

Battery bone : It can distract the dog-bots for a short period of time.

Ice cream: makes the chicken cold and the dogs can't sense it.

Chocolate: gives the chicken an energy boost and it can fly to the next location.

Future Plans

Level editor so people can design their own puzzles.

More dog-bots, food types and dynamic enviroments that change as you move. Collectible golden eggs to give you more food to drop.

Other Notes

My goal for this project was to develop my own HTML5 game engine as a coding exercise, so most of the work done was in the architecture for this, and I used the game jam as an exercise to try implementing something in it for the first time.

Updated 17 days ago
Published 24 days ago

Development log

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